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Monday, July 20, 2020

Vehicle Based Class Options

Vehicle Based Class Options

In my ongoing series of articles discussing new vehicle-based options for classes, I realized some classes didn’t really need more than a little bit to get them there. Below are those options.

Witchwarper Paradigm Shifts
Witchwarpers ply the art of battlefield control. This is an art that can affect vehicles more then most other things, because vehicles are primarily about movement. I found it only needed a couple things added to make the class very relevant in a vehicle based game. The ability to warp the reality of a vehicle itself, and the ability to warp in beneficial effects rather than only hindering ones. Those two features can make them dangerous opponents on the highway. 

Infinite Tire Tracks
You may spend one resolve point to alter the normal area of your Infinite Worlds abilities to target a specific vehicle instead of an area on the map. If this option is used, that vehicle or it’s driver and passengers are treated as suffering the effect of the power regardless of where it moves that turn. If the power affects the vehicle, it makes a save against it to negate the effects. If the ability targets the vehicle’s driver and passengers, each must individually save against any applicable effects. 

Even More Infinite
Your infinite world power may be used to temporarily remove the listed environmental effect from an area instead of applying it to that area. 

Vanguard Discipline
Vanguards don't have many points of their class in tune with vehicles. They are all about entropy, destruction. So the one point they have in common: hitting things really, really hard. 

Entropic Ram
When you make a ram attack while driving a vehicle, you may add your entropic strike damage and effects to the ramming damage. 

Biohacker Theorum
Biohackers can't do much for the machinery of the vehicle, but they can do wonders for their fellow passengers. This technique was inspired by Azlanti Aeon Diffuser technology. 

You may spend 1 resolve point and concentrate one of your biohacks to an aerosol spray that is able to apply its effects to the driver and passengers of the enclosed vehicle the Biohacker is in. This cannot be used outside of an enclosed vehicle. 

Envoy Features
Envoys are skill monkeys, and eventually, they can add any skill to the list of things they can apply expertise to. In a vehicle based campaign, it's entirely appropriate to speed up the addition of driving to that list. Additional abilities help them mess with an enemy driver's head, or talk up all their passengers at the same time. 

Envoy Expertise Talent

Driving Expertise
You may use expertise with the Piloting skill as long as you are driving a vehicle. 

Playing Chicken
As a standard action you may make a bluff check opposed by your opponent’s piloting check. If you succeed the target vehicle loses control for 1 round. 

Envoy Improvisation

We’re all in this together
You may spend a resolve point to make one of your improvisations that only targets a single ally to instead target all allies in the vehicle you are driving. 

Technomancer Features
A technomancer is already a master of technology, but with a few tweeks, you can get a technomancer that's specialized in the driving arts. 

Vehicle Cache
Rather than a handheld device, your spell cache is a vehicle. Choose a vehicle your level or lower. Each time you level up you may select a new vehicle. Your vehicle cache takes the form of that vehicle. Any effect that summons your spell cache still works normally, though it must be used in a space large enough for your vehicle to occupy. Only you or creatures under your control, may drive your vehicle cache. This otherwise functions as spell cache and replaces it.

Cache Hack - Driver’s Cache
The driver uses their technomancy to extract a supernatural performance out of their vehicles. 
First Slot (6th Level): Remote Operation, Patch Tech, Hold Portal
Second Slot (12th Level): Make Whole, Optimize Technology, Security Seal
Third Slot (18th Level): Handy Junkbot, Pinpoint Navigation, Probability Prediction

Up next week, we'll discuss being shiny and chrome...


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